Engraving Software TYPE EDIT is a complete CAD/CAM Solution. Discover the new version TYPE EDIT V14

Engraving Software TYPE EDIT is a complete CAD/CAM Solution tested and approved by Worldwide Professionals
TYPE EDIT, Engraving and Cutting CAM/CAM software is at the crossing of graphical arts and the manufacturing worlds.
With 400+ powerful features spread within 3 interactive modules, TYPE EDIT CAD/CAM solutions are a concentrate of vector edition tools, combined with 3D bas-relief capabilities, the whole connected to a powerful CAM engine proposing multi-machining-strategies.
Looking for a complete CAD/CAM software to engrave texts, build high depth level detailed polymeshes or any artistic compositions to run on CNC, your search just ended.
Discover TYPE EDIT, the leading artistic CAD/CAM software made to enhance the quality and the level of details that other CAD/CAM solutions can’t provide.
Design projects in either 2D, 2.5D or 3D definitions to run on any CNC machine.

Customize your Engraving Software solution thanks to 3 powerful interactive modules
Fully scalable and upgradable. Set your engraving and cutting package today. Upgrade upon your needs.
TYPE EDIT CAD/CAM software comes with already preset-configurations aimed to fit any type of Business applications.
TYPE CAD is the CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) module of TYPE EDIT software. It designs 2D vectors, cleans any imported job, trims and improves artworks prior being engraved or cut.
TYPE ART is the 3D CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) module of TYPE EDIT software aiming to bring the elevation capability to vectors in order to add 3D texture and build 3D bas-reliefs directly from them.
TYPE CAM is the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) module of TYPE EDIT software, gathering various toolpath strategies for cutting, engraving, drilling, sequencing…
2D Computer Aided Drawing module
Hundreds of professional features
With its advanced 2D CAD module, our TYPE EDIT CAD CAM software can design and generate any type of vector line in 2D, elevate in Z the nodes component of those lines and build up 3D objects from them.
Thanks to its powerful node editor TYPE CAD users are not only drawing flat results in X and Y but also take the Z control of curves that later on a CNC machine can use to carve and cut within any type of materials.
As user-friendly as Adobe Illustrator© could be, TYPE EDIT builds the foundation and the quality of your artwork up to its production phase. Creations turn into real things.
“I design jewelry by hand, but when it comes to adding my own brand or creating new designs I have a certain level of quality and standard that my fingers cannot always bring. This was the main reason why I chose to implement an engraving CAD solution like TYPE EDIT and its powerful CAM. Adding text or textures is a cup of tea compared to the long hours of work every day to push on my fingers and keeping them in the right place, the software has improved the quality of my creations, it is incredibly impressive”.
3D CAD module
Polymesh tools, sculpt in real time
Built as an additional environment, TYPE ART is the 3D CAD module developed by TYPE3 SOFTWARE which will transform 2D curves into 3D reliefs and allow you to add 3D textures.
With its advanced sculpting module – SCULPT ART – you can also take control of the polymesh and build or rebuild surfaces like if you were sculpting in real clay.
TYPE ART 3D CAD module & SCULPT ART offer impressive artistic tools capable of modelling incredible results, then to machine them accurately.
Computer Aided Manufacturing module
Manufacturing module, fast & efficient toolpath generations
The CAM module of the TYPE EDIT CAD/CAM software can drive any type of machines from PCB Desktop milling CNC to large router and lasers. With several cutting strategies you can lead-in and lead-out your tools as desired, as well as build tabs as needed to hold your parts safely on your engraving and cutting machine(s).
G-Code are optimized for your CNC with circular interpolations G2 & G3 for perfect motions.
Thanks to a powerful post-processing libraries of G-Code but also HPGL and binary codes or even scriptings, TYPE CAM can drive pretty much any CNC on the market. That’s including yours!