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How to reinstall the Sentinel HASP/LDK driver ?

If you are unable to install the latest Sentinel HASP / LDK driver and have previously installed an older driver you may need to uninstall it first.

Before starting the reinstallation, make sure that :

  • You have administrator rights.
  • Your version of Windows is updated.
  • You have unplugged all usb devices.
  • you have disabled ALL Anti‐virus /Firewalls.

To reinstall the drivers follow these steps :

  1. Press the Windows Start button at the bottom left.
  2. Type in “Command Prompt“.
  3. Right click on Command Prompt and click “Run as administrator“.
  4. Click Yes if the Windows 10 User Account Control prompt is displayed.
  5. Move inside the Windows Command Processor (CMD) the ” haspdinst.exe ” file (located in \ KEY \ HASP Driver \ IS) and add a space and write –fr -kp –purge and “entry”.
  6. Click Yes if the Windows 10 User Account Control prompt is displayed.
  7. After the operation has successfully completed, the following window should be shown.
  8. Restart computer.
  9. Download the HASP/Sentinel GUI Installer and unzip it.
  10. The extracted files contain the installation file HASPUserSetup.exe. Double click it to start the installation process. Accept the licensing agreement terms and click ‘Next’ to progress through the installation process.
  11. The installation will progress and finally the window below should be displayed.